Completion of Pandemic-Delayed HDB Projects: Key Collection Begins for Residents

After a challenging waiting period, homeowners at Punggol Point Cove can finally collect their keys to new flats as all 92 pandemic-delayed Build-To-Order (BTO) projects have been completed. This is a significant milestone for many households, including Alice Park, who had been eagerly anticipating moving into her two-room flexi flat.

Key Collection for Punggol Point Cove

Alice Park, a 57-year-old childcare teacher, received her key collection email from the Housing and Development Board (HDB) in late November 2024. “I’m so excited!” she expressed, having waited nearly a year longer than expected due to construction delays caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

  • The project faced delays of 9 to 12 months since its launch in September 2019.
  • A total of 657 households out of 1,109 in phase two have collected their keys as of 15 January 2024.

Impact of the Pandemic

The delays were primarily due to halted construction during Singapore’s “circuit breaker” in 2020, followed by complications stemming from a change of contractor in July 2023. This extended the waiting period further. Minister for National Development Desmond Lee noted that while the pandemic feels like a past chapter, the repercussions continue to affect the construction sector.

Looking Ahead

In 2024, HDB aims to complete another 17,000 new flats across 27 active projects, as the industry stabilizes post-Covid. Currently, there are 110 projects under construction, a 15-project increase from one year prior.

  • Key collection for Kempas Residences also kicked off in mid-January, with a total of 37 out of 555 booked units completed.
  • Pricing for the two-room flexi units at Punggol Point Cove ranged from $109,000 to $173,000, excluding grants.

Homeowners Happy with New Homes

Homeowners like 71-year-old Bernard Chan, who moved in with his wife in January 2024, expressed satisfaction with their new environments. They marvel at the scenic waterfront view and the spacious layout of the residential area. “Best decision ever!” Chan remarked, further highlighting no defects in their unit.

Moving forward, HDB remains committed to delivering quality housing solutions for Singaporeans, reflecting a steady recovery in the construction landscape.