In a distressing turn of events during their New Year’s celebration, two crew members from Virgin Australia became victims of an alleged assault and theft in Nadi, Fiji. The incident occurred in the early hours of 1 January 2024, as the crew was on a layover before resuming their flight duties.
Details of the Incident
According to Acting Commissioner of Police Juki Fong Chew, the crew members had visited a nightclub in Nadi. Unfortunately, they encountered a life-altering moment when they were attacked while trying to navigate their way back to their accommodation.
- Allegations include both theft and sexual assault.
- Prior to the incident, Fiji welcomed 76,845 visitors in November 2023, with many from Australia.
Ongoing Investigation
As investigations unfolded, a suspect was apprehended and charged with the alleged rape and sexual assault of one of the victims. He is expected to appear in court shortly, with the authorities confirming that no further detention of crew members is necessary at this stage.
Virgin Australia’s Response
Virgin Australia has expressed its distress over the incident and has dispatched a team to support the affected crew members. In a statement, the airline underscored its commitment to the well-being of its staff.
Fiji’s Tourism Context
Fiji remains a popular destination for international tourists, particularly Australians and New Zealanders. However, incidents like this raise concerns about safety in tourist hotspots.
Authorities encourage vigilance among tourists, reminding them to take precautions, especially during nighttime activities.