In a tragic turn of events, the remains of Singaporean man Sim Hwee Kok have been found following the devastating earthquake that shook Taiwan’s Hualien county in April 2024. This discovery brings a somber closure to a prolonged search for him and his partner, Neo Siew Choo, who were reported missing after the disaster.
Discovery of Remains
The remains were uncovered on 11 January 2024 by a farmer named Wang while tending to his crops along the Shakadang Trail in Taroko National Park. Noticing something unusual, he alerted the authorities, leading to a forensic examination that identified a human hip bone. Subsequent DNA testing confirmed the remains belonged to Sim.
Context of the Tragedy
- Sim and Neo were last seen at approximately 7.20 am on 3 April 2024, about 40 minutes before a 7.2-magnitude earthquake struck the region.
- Authorities believe both individuals were caught in a landslide triggered by the quake.
- The earthquake, the strongest in Taiwan in 25 years, resulted in over 1,000 injuries and at least 18 fatalities.
Official Identification and Notification
Hualien’s district court announced that it would notify Sim’s family, who had been awaiting news since the tragedy. Last December, Taiwanese authorities issued death certificates for both Sim and Neo as they were presumed dead when search efforts yielded no results.
A Somber Reminder
In a bittersweet conclusion, the district court listed their time of death as noon on 3 April 2024, coinciding with the earthquake’s occurrence. This incident serves as a poignant reminder of the fragility of life and nature’s immense power.