Aaron Samuel Yukon, a 21-year-old man accused of slashing actor Ryan Lian multiple times with a knife, has been granted bail of S$15,000. This decision was made during a court session on 29 November 2024, where Yukon appeared via video link.
Incident Overview
The alleged attack took place on 22 November 2024 at the NEX shopping centre in Serangoon. Yukon is currently facing a serious charge of voluntarily causing hurt using a cutting instrument, which carries a potential penalty of up to seven years in prison, along with other sanctions.
Court Proceedings
- Yukon was on remand after being discharged from Changi General Hospital, where he had received treatment.
- The court was informed that police investigations were ongoing and that they were awaiting the victim’s medical report.
- Despite being 21, Yukon’s parents are required to act as his surety for the bail bond.
His lawyer, Mr Haneef Abdul Malik, noted that Yukon would be residing with his mother in a condominium equipped with security measures to ensure his safety and prevent unnecessary influences from others.
About the Victim
Ryan Lian, also known as Lian Yong Yi, is well-regarded for his performances in popular local films like *Ah Boys To Men 4* and *Money No Enough 3*. Following the incident, he addressed online mockery, seeking support from fans.
Next Steps
The case is set to return to court on 3 January 2025, as the legal proceedings continue amid public interest and media coverage.