A devastating air strike by Myanmar’s military has claimed the lives of dozens of civilians in Kyauk Ni Maw, a village in western Rakhine state. According to reports from the Arakan Army and local rescue workers, the attack occurred on Wednesday afternoon, 9 January 2024, and has further exacerbated the ongoing turmoil since the 2021 coup.
Details of the Attack
At around 1.20 PM local time, a military jet bombed the village, leading to the destruction of approximately 500 homes and killing at least 40 people. Eyewitness accounts report that the casualty count may be higher, with some estimates suggesting 41 fatalities and over 50 injuries. A spokesperson for the Arakan Army stated, “We have recorded the names of 26 villagers, predominantly from the Muslim community, who lost their lives in this tragic attack.”
The Humanitarian Crisis
- More than 3.5 million people have been displaced due to ongoing conflict across Myanmar, with Rakhine state facing increasing threats of famine.
- The UN has warned that approximately 19.9 million people—over a third of Myanmar’s population—might require humanitarian assistance in 2025.
- Local rescue groups have reported severe shortages of medical supplies to treat the wounded due to logistical challenges.
The Broader Conflict
The clash in Rakhine state is part of a larger civil war that has been raging since the military ousted Aung San Suu Kyi’s elected government. The Arakan Army has been engaged in fierce combat with the military for control of the region, while unarmed communities find themselves caught in the crossfire.
International Response
In light of the military’s ongoing operations, the Blood Money Campaign—a coalition of activists—has called for immediate international sanctions against entities supplying the junta with aviation fuel, saying, “Only when this support stops will the air strikes truly come to an end.” The request underscores the urgent need for international intervention to halt the cycle of violence.
Current Situation
The military junta has faced accusations of humanitarian violations throughout the conflict. Officials from the junta have denied these allegations, claiming they are solely targeting “terrorists” in their campaign against opposition forces.