In a tragic turn of events, a stampede at the Maha Kumbh Mela in Prayagraj, India, has resulted in at least 15 fatalities and numerous injuries. The gathering, known as the largest religious festival globally, draws millions of pilgrims seeking spiritual purification during their holy dip in the Ganga River.
Details of the Incident
The stampede occurred on 29 January 2024, as weary authorities grappled with the overwhelming crowd of devotees. Witnesses reportedly described the situation as chaotic, making it difficult for emergency services to respond effectively.
- Time of Incident: Around midday during ritual bathing.
- Location: Near the sangam—the confluence of the Ganges, Yamuna, and Saraswati rivers.
- Injured: Many individuals were rushed to makeshift hospitals.
The Scale of the Festival
The Maha Kumbh Mela is celebrated every twelve years and attracts over 400 million visitors. Its significance lies in the belief that a dip in the holy waters absolves sins and offers a pathway to salvation. The festival showcases a series of ritual baths, primarily performed by Hindu sadhus, or holy men.
Emergency Response
Doctor sources within the site reported ongoing treatments for the affected individuals. Witnesses saw rescuers working tirelessly to evacuate victims, while public announcements urged attendees to disperse to ensure safety.
As this is a breaking story, further updates will be provided as the situation develops.